This is the website of the Radio Communications Group (Grupo de Radio Comunicaciones, GRC) at Technical University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM).
GRC is a research leader with expertise in wireless communications and the development of RF hardware equipment. Our research has grown over the years in according to the international standards. We give research a high priority with a clear commitment with innovation and transfer of know-how to industry.
Cooperation with international universities and leading companies, as well as hosting of graduate and undergraduate visiting students, are a must for us. Please, feel free to contact us for any joint project in our fields of interest.
- More than 15 years working on wireless communications for intelligent transportation systems and on personal mobile communications.
- More than 25 years working on radio communications, including the development of microwave devices and systems.
- Communications Circuits and Systems.
- Propagation and Channel Modelling.
- Communication on High Speed Trains.
- Short Range Wireless Communications (UWB, BLE, NFC).
- GNSS Spoofing Detection and Mitigation.
- 5G Mobile Communications.